Senin, 06 Juli 2015

Objek penelitian ilmiah

Objek penelitian ilmiah

Objek penelitian yang akan diamati atau diteliti adalah sistem akuntansi 
  pelayanan jasa dalam pengiriman barang pada :
Perusahaan                         :  PT. Moisani Manggala Cargo
Bentuk                               :  PT (Perseroan Terbatas)
Bidang Usaha                     :  Pengiriman Barang
Alamat Perusahaan             :  Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi 1H Pondok Bambu Duren Sawit Jakarta
                                                        Timur (13430) -  
Website                              :

PT. Moisani Manggala Cargo memiliki Surat Izin Usaha Jasa Pengurusan Transportasi (SIUJPT) No. 58/SIUJPT/DISHUB/II/2013, Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) No. 31.610.025.4-005.000, Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) No., SK Menkumham No. AHU.32480.40.22.2014, Keagenan Lion No. CGK.000104.

Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

I. Use the right tense to fill the blanks.

I.  Use the right tense to fill the blanks.
1.  Ann and Andy got married on June 1st. Today is June 14th Ann and Andy have been married for two weeks. By June 7th, they would have been married for one weeks, By June 28th, they will married for four weeks.
2. This traffic is terrible we’re going to be late by the time we got to the airport. Bob’s plane already is arriving.
3. The traffic was very heavy, by the time we got to the airport. Bob’s plane is already arrived.
4. This morning I come to class at 09:00. Right now it is 10:00 and I’m still in class. I have been sat at this desk for an hour. By 09:30, I was sit here for a half an hour. By 11:00, I will have been here for two hours.
5. I’m getting tired of sitting in the car. Do you realize that by the time we arrive in phoenix, we have driven for twenty straight hours?
6. Yesterday, John ate breakfast at 08:00. He already ate breakfast. When we left for class at 08:45. He always eats before he goes to class.
7. John is in class every morning from 09:00 to 12:00 two days ago, I called him at 11:35, but I could not reach him because he didn’t attend class at that time.
8. Tomorrow, after he have ate dinner. John will go to a movie. In the other words, he would have ate by the time he went to the movie.
9. Right now, Jake taking a nap he fall asleep an hour ago.
10. Mr.John is in my English class. He is studying English this semester. He also take some other classes. His classes begin at 09:00 everyday.

II.  Change into passive if possible if impossible write “no change”.
1. My sisters plane will arrive at 10:35  - no change
2. When did someone invent radio? – no change
3. When is someone going to to announce the result of the contest? – no change
4. Someone stole my purse – my purse stolen by someone.
5. Peter came here two months ago. – no change
6. Rice grown in Bogor – no change

III. Combine the two sentences with using the ‘B’.
1. A : We are studying sentences.
    B : Contain adjective clause.
     We are studying sentences which contain adjective clause.
2. A : I liked your composition
    B : You Wrote it
     I liked your composition whose you wrote it.
3. A : I come from a country
    B : it’s history goes back thousand of years.
     I come from a country where it’s history goes back thousand of years.
4. A : The man was very kind.
    B : I talked to him yesterday.
     The man was very kind when I talked to him yesterday.
5. A : That is the drawer.
    B : I keep my jewelry there.
     That is the drawer where I keep my jewelry there.
6. A : The girl was happy.
    B : She won the race.
     The girl was happy when she won the race.
7. A : The students is from china.
    B : He sits next to me.
     The students is from china where he sits next to me. 
8. A : The professor is excellent.
    B : I’m taking his course.
     The professor is excellent when  I’m taking his course.
9. A : The people were very nice.
    B : We visited their house.
     The people were very nice when we visited their house.
10. A : I apologized to the woman.
      B : I spilled her coffee.

     I apologized to the woman which I spilled her coffee.

Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Job Advertisement

Job Advertisement

Kompas May 27 2011
Urgently Required
PT FAJAR KARYA INDAH  is willing to recruit new employee
to join in our company as :

Accountant (AC)

General requirements:

•Bachelor degree (S1) from reputable University for Accountant (AC)
•Having a good skill in communication
•Having a good skill in English both oral or written
•Able to operate computer especially Microsoft Words and Microsoft Excel
•Is not over 39 years old

Send your application and curriculum vitae on Po Box 4321. Add the code of the job position above the envelope.

This recruitment will be closed on 3 weeks from Juny 21st 2011.

Application Letter
Jakarta, May 27, 2011

Personel Manager of PT FAJAR KARYA INDAH Tbk.
Gedung PT. FAJAR KARYA INDAH Tbk. 2nd floor
Jl. Kemandoran Kav.27 
Jakarta Barat

Dear Sir/Madam,
Refer to your requirement advertised in Kompas May 27 2011, I am interested to joint and to contribute with your respected company.
Name                                       :  Dina Fidiasari
Place/Date of Birth                  :  Pemalang, March 27, 1994
Education                                :  Undergraduate of Economics – Gunadarma University
Permanent address                   :  Jl. Cipinang Cempedak 1, Polonia - Jakarta               
Telephone Nos.                                   :  0813-1608-7596
Email address                          :
I have sufficient capability in the computer field. By this I feel have the necessary skils to fill vacancies that Mr / Ms offer
I enclose here with the following requirement :
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Copy of Certificate and Academic Transcript
3. Recent photograph with size of 4x6
I hope you will grant me an interview and the opportunity to give you more details about my self.
Yours faithfully,

Dina Fidiasari

Curriculum Vitae
Name                                       :  Dina Fidiasari
Other name                              :  Dina
Place/Date of Birth                  :  Pemalang, March 27, 1994
Sex                                          :  Female
Religion                                   :  Islam
Marital status                           :  Single
Nationality                               :  INDONESIAN
Address                                   :  Jl. Cipinang Cempedak 1, Polonia - Jakarta               
Phone Number                         :  0813-1608-7596
Email address                          :
2012-2016                               :  Undergraduate of Economics – Gunadarma University
2009-2012                               :  Pusaka 1 Vocational School Jakarta
2006-2009                               :  2 Junior High School Moga,Pemalang
2000-2006                               :  SDN Karangdawa,Pemalang
2014                                        :  Zahir Accounting 5
2014                                        :  The Course MYOB Premier V13
2013                                        :  National Tax Seminar
2012                                        :  Sharia Economic Development Seminar

Software                                 :  Ms Office ( Ms Word, Excel, Power Point )

I cerify that all information stated in this resume is true.

Sincerely yours,

Dina Fidiasari

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Harta ( Aktiva )

Nama : Dina Fidiasari                      
NPM : 22212163                                
Kelas : 3eb21

Harta (aktiva) adalah sumber daya ekonomi perusahaan yang juga meliputi biaya-biaya yang terjadi akibat transaksi sebelumnya dan mempunyai mafaat di masa yang akan datang. Harta merupakan kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan untuk menjalankan usahanya. Harta perusahaan ini dapat di bedakan atas kelancaran (likuiditas), yaitu harta lancar, investasi jangka panjang, harta tetap, harta tak berwujud, dan harta-harta lainnya.

1. Aktiva Lancar (current assets) 
aktiva yang diharapkan dapat dicairkan (diuangkan) tidak lebih dari 1 tahun/1 siklus akuntansi.
Current assets  terdiri dari :
     ·         Kas (cash) : semua aktiva yang tersedia dalam kas perusahaan maupun yang disimpan di bank yang   dapat di ambil setiap saat.
     ·         Surat Berharga (marketable securities) : pemilikan saham/obligasi perusahaan lain yang bersifat sementar, yang sewaktu-waktu dapat dijual kembali.
     ·         Piutang dagang (accounts receivable) : tagihan perusahaan kepada pihak  lain(debitur) karena penjualan barang/jasa secara kredit.
     ·         Piutang wesel (notes receivable) : surat perintah penagihan kepada seseorang atau badan untuk membayar sejumlah uang pada tgl yang telah ditentukan pada orang yang namanya disebut dalam surat.
     ·         Piutang pendapatan/Pendapatan yang masih harus diterima (accrued revenue) : Pendapatan yang telah menjadi hak, tetapi belum diterima pembayarannya.
     ·         Persekot beban/beban dibayar dimuka (prepaid expenses) : pembayaran beban dibayar dimuka, tetapi belum menjadi kewajiban pada periode yang bersangkutan.
     ·         Perlengkapan (supplies) : seluruh perlengkapan yang di pakai demi kelancaran usaha, yang sifatnya habis pakai.
     ·         Persediaan barang dagang (merchandise inventory) : barang yang di beli dengan tujuan dijual kembali dengan mengharapkan mendapat laba.
2. Investasi jangka panjang (long term investment) 
adalah penanaman modal dalam perusahaan lain dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. Selain untuk memperoleh laba juga untuk mengontrol perusahaan tersebut.

3. Aktiva Tetap (fixed assets)
adalah kekayaan yang dimiliki perusahaan yang pemakaiannya(umur ekonomis), lebih dari satu tahun, digunakan untuk operasi, dan tidak untuk dijual.
 Contoh fixed assets :
a) Tanah(land)
b) Gedung/bangunan (building)
c) Mesin(machinery)
d) Peralatan toko (store equipment)
e) Alat angkut ( delivery equipment)
 f) Peralatan kantor (office equipment)

4. Aktiva tetap tak berwujud (intagible fixed assets) 
   Adalah hak istimewa yang dimiliki perusahaan dan mempunyai nilai namun tidak mempunyai bentuk fisik.
Yang termasuk dalam intagible fixed assets :
a) Good will : nilai lebih yang dimiliki perusahaan karena keistimewaan tertentu.
b) Hak Paten : hak tunggan yang diberikan pemerintah kepada seseorang atau badan karena penemuan tertentu.
c) Hak Cipta : hak tunggal yang diberikan pemerintah kepada seseorang/badan karena hasil karya seni/tulisan/karya intelektual.
d) Merek dagang : hak yang diberikan pemerintah kepada badan untuk menggunakan nama & lambang bagi usahanya.
e) Hak sewa : hak untuk menggunakan aktiva tetap pihak lain dalam waktu yang panjang sesuai dengan kesepakatan.
f) Franchise : hak istimewa yang diterima oleh seseorang/badan dari pihak lain untuk mengkomersilkan formula,teknik, atau produk tertentu.

Possessions (assets) are economic resources companies which also include costs incurred before and have mafaat in the future.
Treasure is a property owned by the company to run its business. This company property can be differentiated on the smooth (liquidity), ie current assets, long-term investment,fixed assets, intangible assets, and other treasures.

     1.      Current assets (current assets)
 assets that are expected to be disbursed (refundable) not more than 1 year / 1 accounting cycle. Current assets consist of:
     ·         Cash (cash): all assets available in cash or deposited in the bank that can be taken at any time.
     ·         Securities (marketable securities):
ownership of shares / bonds of other companies that are temporal, which at times can be resold.
     ·         Trade receivables (accounts receivable): billing company to another party (the debtor) for the sale of goods / services on credit.
     ·         Receivables notes (notes receivable):
warrant to the person or entity billing to pay a sum of money on the date specified in the person whose name is mentioned in the letter.
     ·         Receivables revenue / income still must be received (accrued revenue): Revenue that has become the right, but not yet received payment.
     ·         Advance load / prepaid expenses (prepaid expenses) : payment of prepaid expenses, but not the obligation in the period in question.
     ·          Supplies (supplies): all the equipment is in use for smooth business, that are depleted payment of prepaid expenses, but not the obligation in the period in question.
     ·         Merchandise inventory (Merchandise inventory) : Items purchased with purpose of resale to expect a profit .

2. Long-term investments (long term investment)

is an investment in another company in the long term. In addition to profit also to control the company.

3. Fixed assets (fixed assets)
 is property owned enterprise usage (economic age), more than one year, is used for the operation, and not for sale.
Examples of fixed assets :
a) Land (land)
b) The building / construction (building)
c) machines (machinery)
d) Equipment store (store equipment)
e) Conveyance (delivery equipment)
f) Office equipment (office equipment)

4. intangible fixed assets (fixed assets intagible)
 Is the prerogative of the company and has a value but does not have a physical form.
Are included in fixed assets intangible :
a) Good will: value of the company because of certain privileges.
b) Patents: tunggan rights granted by the government to a person or entity for a particular invention.
c) Copyright: sole right granted by the government to a person / entity for works of art / writing / intellectual work.
d) Trademarks: the rights granted to the government agency to use the name and emblem for his efforts.
e) Rights of the lease: the right to use the assets of others for a long period in accordance with the agreement.
f) Franchise: privileges received by person / entity of the other party to commercialize formulas, techniques, or specific products.